Sunday, March 29, 2009


Method of contraception
A. Traditional or folk methods
-coitus interruptus: failure may result from escape from semen before orgasm.
-postcoital douche: the sperm have been found within the cervical mucus within 90 seconds after ejaculation.
-lactational amenorrhea: suckling result in a reduction in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, LH, FSH. During the first 6 months, if breastfeeding is exclussive, menses are mostly anovulatory and fertility remains low. Contraceptive method starting 3 months after delivery.
-periodic abstinence :
1. Calendar method: ovulation occurs 14 days before the first day of the next menstrual period. Fertile interval should be assumed to extend from at least 2 days before ovulation to no less than 2 days after ovulation.
2. Temperature method : temperature must be recorded before activities is undertaken.
3. Cervical mucus method : starting several days before and until just after ovulation, the mucus becomes thin and watery, whereas at other times the mucus is thick and opaque.
B. Barrier method
-condoms(male and female):
-cervical cap
-vaginal sponge
C. Hormonal method
D. Armamentarium

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